The "Fun Game" Crew!

                     Where we came from 


We were actually a bunch of youtubers who decided to make a website! Well, we started searching for a free website maker. Blogspot wasn't really what we wanted. We couldn't find anything until we found "Synthasite". (later changed to yolasite) This is 99.7% free! The only downside is that you can't make something, OUT OF THE WORLD, and you need to pay a little fee for a regular website name (instead of we would have but we figured we would probably get as many viewers as we would with a regular name. Not too many people come here, even though we set up some stuff on facebook, youtube, and lostepcot. But we just want to make a website for fun! :D

   Where did you  get the idea of online games?


Well, at first we wanted to create a Disney website, but we already had some blogs.


So, that was out of the picture. We thought hard, couldn't think up of anything. Later, we just said, let's make it easier for people to find online games! Our first attempt wasn't "funtofungames", it was, "OnlineFun". But I didn't want to just make it on online junk and stuff. I also wanted to do non-online games! So funtofungames just popped into our minds, and we used it!

                                                              Thus, funspot101 was born! 

You know how much fun it is to have a youtube account? (besides the bad comments, people making fun of you, people reporting your profile image, copyrights, disagreements with other users, and people saying your videos are crappy) It is VERY fun! There is no limit on how much videos you have, and the best part! No nudity is aloud! That means youtube will not be so crappy! :D WAAAAAAAAY before we made this website, like back in 2008, we wanted to make a youtube channel! Our first attempt was, "Man dancing in his underwear". It was a success and all, but it didn't fit our personality. The original channel was funspot101. We soon deleted the old Belem Brazil international Dance Festival movies. (WE ARE AMERICANS!) Months past, and if it were possible, the channel just started to sit there getting dusty! It left our heads... Later, it went completely out of our minds! We just, well, forgot about it.

As the months passed, we went on youtube, and as usual, we watched our "Max the Pug" videos. But then, something "Magical" happened. I started to remember funspot101! I wanted to try it out again. Since I am a BIG disney freak, we made it based on Disney! Boy, we were NOT a big success... No subcribers, a few friends, and really poor quality videos. funspot101 hit the dust again. But this time, it only took us 1 month to realize that we just needed to study harder. What draws people's attention? We tried "Food Rocks" from epcot, we realized nobody even knowed what that was. Well, as the months passed, we got better and better! Before, for music, we used the built-in microphone on our laptop and just played some music, and recorded it. BAD quality tho. Well, that was when funspot101music was born. But we're talking about funspot101.  We soon figured out how to DOWNLOAD music from a CD! YAY US!!! YAY BETTER QUALITY! Then later, we figured out how to steel other people's videos using Youtube Downloader. This attempt was used in one of our newer channels, funspot202cartoons, and still is today! Then, we found, AVS Video Converter 6. Where we can actually EDIT the youtube videos, and make a movie. You can find us using this in one of funspot101's FAIRLY newer videos, "file91e's first official commercial!" Today, funspot101 at LEAST has 16 friends, and 15 subcribers. We found out it takes a LOT of work to get up to the level where Fred and Nigahiga are.


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